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ResourcesHere are some resources Ross had requests for. Missiology Lectures Given in Myanmar, November 2012 At Myanmar Institute of Theology and other places. 1. The Future of Missiology (Faculty and Student Seminar) 2. Paradigm Shifts in Missiology, 1: From Christendom to the Missional Church 3. Paradigm Shifts in Missiology, 2: From 'Saving Souls' to Holistic Mission 4. Paradigm Shifts in Missiology, 3: From Superiority to Prophetic Dialogue 5. Is There Mission in the Old Testament? 6. Jesus' Mission and How He Went About It 7. Approaches to Salvation 8. Justice at the Heart of God and Mission 9. Reconciliation at the Heart of God and Mission Lecture on Contextual Mission Given at the Kawthoolei Karen Baptist Bible School & College, Mae La Camp, Thailand, 2 November 2012 Refugees as Guests and Hosts: Towards a Theology of Mission Amongst Refugees and Asylum Seekers A paper given at the International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS) conference in Toronto, 15–20 August 2012. The short version as presented (2,200 words). The full paper (6,300 words). Why Multicultural Congregations? A paper given at the conference of ANZATS (Australian and New Zealand Association of Theological Schools), Brisbane, 3 July 2012. In the City, For the City The J Spencer & Ken Nall Memorial Lecture, given at Wesley Uniting Church, Geelong, on 19 June 2011. The Nall Lecture Study Guide to the Nall Lecture Jesus and Justice A seminar on Jesus and justice. Prepared for the justice network of the Churches of Christ and held at Footscray, September 2010. Contextual Mission: An Australian Perspective Reflections on the seventh study theme of Towards Edinburgh 2010: "Christian Communities in Contemporary Contexts". A paper given at a conference of the Aoteoroa New Zealand Association of Mission Studies (ANZAMS), Auckland, 31 October 2009. Mission in Australia: Challenges and Opportunities Four lectures given at the Western Australia Uniting Church School of Ministry in Perth from 31 August to 3 September 2009. 1 The Good News We Share: Holistic Mission 2 The Best of Times, the Worst of Times: The Australian Context 3 Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom: Ways of Being the Local Missional Church 4 Being Heard in the Square: Public Theology Dialogue and Witness in a Multifaith World A lecture given at Perth Bible College on 2 September 2009. Why Holistic Mission Causes Unease in Some Evangelical Theology A short paper given to Faculty at Perth Bible College on 2 September 2009. Missiology at the Heart of the Theological Curriculum A short paper given to Faculty at Vose Seminary, Perth, on 3 September 2009. Indigenous Reconciliation: What the Church Can Give and Receive A paper presented at the International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS) conference at Balaton, Hungary, from 16 to 23 August 2008 The Good News and Australian Events A workshop given at 'Overflow', a Children and Families Ministry Seminar at the Uniting Church's Centre for Theology and Ministry, Parkville, 26 July 2008 The Australian Context for Mission Two talks given to the Geelong Ecumenical Conference on Mission (GECOM) on 10 July 2008. 1. Ten Things I Know About Australia 2. Ten Things I Know About Religion in Australia Notes on Endnote Software and Referencing in Research Writing These are notes distributed at a Research Methods class in the MCD University of Divinity on 17 October 2012. Some Endnote Connection Files These files, if installed in the Endnote Connections folder, allow searching of library catalogues or databases from within Endnote. Here are the files for the Mannix Library (Catholic Theological College), Ridley College Library, St Paschal's Library (Yarra Theological Union), ATLAS and ProQuest, as at October 2012. The last two are for students of the MCD only. A list of song books useful for Christian worship This lists some books I've found useful. It has an Australian bias, but is wide ranging. A seminar paper on music in worship A seminar paper on the shape of worship |