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ArticlesHere are some of the articles Ross has written, for download.
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“Transformed Relationships: Reconciliation as the Central Model
for Mission”. Mission Studies 25.1 (June): 5–20.
“Conviction and Openness: Christian Witness in a Multifaith
World”. Australian Journal of Mission Studies 1.1 (June): 41–50.
2007. “Introduction: Reimagining God and Mission in Australia”. In Reimagining God and Mission: Perspectives from Australia, ed. Ross Langmead. Adelaide: ATF Press. pp. 1–11. 2006. With Meewon Yang. “Multicultural Congregations: A Victorian Baptist Perspective”. In Crossing Borders: Shaping Faith, Ministry and Identity in Multicultural Australia, eds. Helen Richmond and Myong Duk Yang. Sydney: Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Ministry, The National Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia. pp.121–32.
2004. “Theological reflection in ministry and mission”. Ministry Society and Theology 18 (2004). pp. 9–28.
2004. “Taking Shape: Incarnational Mission”. Verbum SVD 45. pp. 173–86. 2002. “Anabaptist Perspectives for Mission”, in Prophecy and Passion: Essays in Honour of Athol Gill, ed. David Neville (Hindmarsh, SA: 2002. 2002. “Ecomissiology”. Missiology 30: pp. 505–18. 2002. “Not Quite Established: The Gospel and Australian Culture”. The Gospel and Our Culture 14.3&4 (Sep/Dec): pp. 7–10. 2002. “Faith and the environment”. Grid (World Vision of Australia) (Issue 2): pp. 1–2. 2000. “The Multicultural Vision in Christian Mission”, South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies No. 23 (April): pp. 1–6. 2000. “Understanding the Context of Mission: Inner City Areas”, in Small Groups that Catch the Wind: Using Small Groups for Community and Mission in the Local Church, ed. Jennifer Turner (Adelaide: Openbook), pp. 118–24. 1998-9. “Ecojustice Principles: Challenges for the Evangelical Perspective”. Ecotheology Nos. 5 & 6: 162–72. 1998. “Mission and Contextualisation”, Journal of Tribal Studies [North East India] 2.1 (Jan-Jun): pp. 45–61. 1997. “The Gospel and the Cultures of Footscray”, in The Gospel and Cultures: Initial Explorations in the Australian Context, ed. Randall Prior. Melbourne: Victorian Council of Churches, pp. 113–21. 1996. “Future Church: Changing Patterns of Mission”, in Future Church: A Baptist Discussion, ed. Ken Manley, Hawthorn, Vic.: Baptist Union of Victoria, pp. 45–9. 1993. “Water”, in Environment Matters: A Christian Response to Our World, ed. Ian Smith, Melbourne: Victorian Council of Churches Task Group on the Environment, pp. 13–18. 1993. “Mission Tailored for Melbourne’s Western Suburbs”, South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies, Nos. 9 & 10, December, pp. 32–5. 1993. “Getting a songbook together”, Baptist Witness, August, p. 16. 1993. “Caring for creation”, series of four articles in the Victorian Baptist Witness. 1985. “Living in the City: Possibilities and Problems” and “The Response of the Church to the City”, in Green Shoots in the Concrete: Towards a More Sensitive Christian Presence in Our Cities, ed. Peter Kaldor et al, Sydney: Scaffolding. pp. 45–50 and 159–62. 1980. “An Educational Programme for Unemployed Youth”, Journal of Christian Education, Papers 68, pp. 31–42. |